Industrial Valves

Industrial Valves for Thermal Power Plant

We are providing various kinds of Control valves for various fields with abundant variations of minimum flow applications through dynamic processes.

500M: VeCTor M Trim / 500D: VeCTor D Trim / 500J: VeCTor J Trim


  • In severe services of high temperature and high differential pres-sure, KOSO’s multi-stage trim (Pat.) promises accurate control and long life, free from cavitation erosion and noise problems, whether the fluid is compressive or non-compressive.


400H: Parallel Slide Valves (PARA-SURA)


  • Parallel slide has KOSO’s own design/construction to realize very good and firm metal-to-metal touch sealing performance.
  • Its execellent shut-off performance, brought about by the metal-to-metal sealing, makes it suitable to a variety of severe services, including emergency shut-off/opening at extremely low to high temperature.
710C: Concentric PARA-SEAL Valves’ (PARA-SEAL C)


  • This PARA-SEAL valve is high performance butterfly valve of high durability, high seating performance.
  • It has several different seal ring constructions suitable to various service applications.


210C: Concentric Segmental Ball Valves (FLOWMAX C/Wafer)
220C: Concentric Segmental Ball Valves (FLOWMAX C/Flanged)
230C: Concentric Segmental Ball Valves


210C: Concentric Segmental Ball Valves (FLOWMAX C/Wafer)
  • This series is concentric segmental ball valve for modulating application. V-notch cut at disc makes rangeability larger and creates shearing effect by disc and seal ring. Therefore, suitable to large rangeability service and/or control of fluids with fiber and/or slurry.
230C: Concentric Segmental Ball Valves
  • This series is same as 210C series except that the stem penetrates the body and is supported by double gland packing.
    The stem’s blow out force is set off in this construction making it suitable to heavier services such as high pressure, high temperature service because of heat expansion insulation design stem.